Picture of Dr Rebecca Tay, CEO of Precision Diagnostics
Dr Rebecca Tay Sook Hui
Founder & CEO


Our Founder

Ingrained in evidence-based advancements & affordable diagnostics, we are determined to make personalized healthcare via precision medicine a reality for all“, said Dr Rebecca. Pharmacogenomics (PGx) is the core of precision medicine and transitioning from ‘one-size-fits-all’ paradigm towards personalized tailored-treatment, or also known as Precision Medicine.

Our Vision

To revolutionise global healthcare by delivering the best diagnostics solutions, enabling every individual on the planet access to personalised, precise and affordable healthcare solutions.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower patients, healthcare professionals and the community with reliable personalised healthcare by utilising cutting-edge technology to accelerate the global adoption of precision medicine and scientific wellness and to make affordable, innovative diagnostics universally accessible, supporting our vision to revolutionise global healthcare.


Pioneering Genome-wide pharmacogenomics with established institutions at a global level.


Our genomic report is accredited for clinical recommendations.

Patient / Customer-Centric

Compassionate, and dedicated to cutting-edge services that are affordable.

Quality Control & Assurance

Compliant to ISO 15189 & CAP standards.

Experienced Board Members

Team of eminent pathologists, clinicians, pharmacists, genetic counsellors, bioinformaticians & top scientist


MOUs with world-renowned institutions for research breakthroughs, clinical trials, advisories, joint conferences, student internships, etc


How Our Journey Started

Global Precision Diagnostics Sdn Bhd (Precision Diagnostics) is a patient-centric medical diagnostic laboratory based in Beacon Hospital. Global Precision Diagnostics offers a wide range of laboratory diagnostic services covering both routine and specialised testing that includes biochemistry analysis, immunology, serology, urinalysis, blood bank, haematology, and molecular diagnostics. Our referrals are received from private practitioners, hospitals and other healthcare organisations in Peninsular Malaysia.

Echoing the mission of Beacon Hospital’s vision to be a Good hospital, Precision Diagnostics envisions providing creditable and cutting-edge diagnostic services to empower good healthcare through precision medicine and scientific wellness. Our dedicated and competent team are led by our nation’s Renowned Pathologist, Clinicians, Pharmacists, Genetic Counsellor, Bioinformatician and Top Scientists, paving our way to realising our vision and mission.

Precision Diagnostics is committed to MS ISO15189 and CAP compliance, with the following fields of testing ready to be accredited under MS ISO 15189: Chemical Pathology, Haematology Inclusive Transfusion Medicine, and Molecular Diagnostics. We are also one of the few laboratories to integrate a third-party quality monitoring system for daily QC monitoring of our Core Laboratory (Haematology, Chemical Pathology, Serology and Immunology) for efficient and reliable results. We have converged memorandums of understanding with various world’s leading organisations to venture into collaborative research advancement in various medical diagnostics, student internships, advisories and joint activities.

Here at Precision Diagnostics, we are committed to going the extra mile to provide credible and dependable results. We aim to use the tools from the molecular diagnostic arm to provide advancement of Precision Medicine and Scientific Wellness for patient and public health.